Education is at the heart of everything we do. We want to turn your students on to Shakespeare. What we do on stage is fleeting unless we can spark discussion and exploration that lasts long after we've gone. One of the ways we do that is by bringing our unique brand of theatre into the classroom. Drawing on years of combined teaching experience and limitless enthusiasm, we create an explosive environment for learning where students cannot help but be changed in dramatic and lasting ways.
At Knighthorse, we can create a unique program to meet your specific needs. In the classroom as on stage, Knighthorse has no boundaries, we can (and often will) do anything and everything to bring Shakespeare alive for your students. Informative and interactive, a Knighthorse visit is always passionate, professional and highly flexible. The amount of that flex is defined by you. In the end, a Knighthorse visit is what you make of it. The possibilities are endless, limited only by your imagination and ability to maximize the impact of our time and energy. Not sure how to do that? Check out the Possibilities section of our website, where we offer insights into ways of capitalizing on your theatrical investment. The interactive calendar will give you examples of how to use us while in residence at your institution and/or community.
We also offer a wide variety of workshops and master classes that can be booked separately or in addition to any performance. Our most popular workshops are listed below.
Wouldn't it be great if your students could actually see Shakespeare before they sat down to read him? Now they can! Let us kick-start your curriculum by getting Shakespeare off the page and onto the stage.
Acting Shakespeare: Bringing the Text to Life
We show students how to "communicate" Shakespeare's ideas and images through an intense investigation of Shakespeare's words, phases and structure. This workshop can be specifically tailored to students who are just beginning to read Shakespeare or advanced students who are getting ready to perform.
Words, Words, Words: Leadership and Dynamic Speaking
We share techniques learned from years of performing which can be used to invigorate any piece of text for a modern audience. Be it a speech, a poem or even the back of a cereal box, we will show your students how to use language as a weapon to fire thoughts and images into the hearts of listeners, to make them hear — and, better yet, to make them want to hear more.
Stage Combat
How do you create a realistic and dramatic fight on stage without sacrificing the safety and health of its participants? With technical precision, energy and enthusiasm. Using a combination of lecture and hands-on instruction, we give students a greater knowledge of combat techniques and an enhanced appreciation of fight choreography.
The Five Leadership Lessons of Henry V
We lead an in-depth examination/discussion of Harry's character and his ability as a leader. Using Shakespeare's text to illustrate such values as sacrifice, justice, moral courage, integrity and faith.
Interpretation and Imagination: The Magic of Creating Theatre
We analyze the elements of storytelling by examining our own minimalistic style of theatre, from the challenges of adapting a full-length script to playing multiple characters on a bare stage with scarce props and simple costumes.
More titles are available upon request. Any of the above workshops can be altered/adjusted to meet the needs of teachers and students.